
Elephants are one of the largest and most intelligent mammals on Earth. They have so much empathy towards each other. The oldest and wisest female elephant runs the herd in their family unit or social groupings known as matriarchs.

Elephant and some peanuts
Do elephants eat peanuts

Do Elephants Eat Peanuts? It’s Not What You Think!

Elephants are large animals that live in Africa and Asia. They can weigh up to two tons and eat up to 300 pounds of food a day! They are herbivores,…

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elephant and some raw meat
Are elephants meat eaters?

Do Elephants Eat Meat? Or Are They Herbivores?

Elephants are one of the most iconic creatures on earth. People love them for their intelligence, playful personalities, and striking features. Let's find out about elephants' diets and whether elephants…

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COOL ELEPHANT FACTS TEXT and a cartoon Elephant

21 Cool Facts About Elephants

Elephants have always been one of my favourite animals. There is so much to learn about these animals, and below are some cool facts that you will find fascinating. Elephants…

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Elephant in a mud bath
Mud Bath

Why Do Elephants Bath in The Mud? Three Reasons Why!

Elephants like to roll around in the mud because it helps them cool off. It also protects their skin from insect bites and protects them against the sun's rays. The…

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Elephant with trunk up coming towards camera
Elephant Greeting

Are Elephants Friendly? Or Can Emotions Run High?

Elephants can be friendly, but they can also be dangerous. They are large, powerful animals and can be unpredictable. Just how friendly an elephant is towards you depends on that…

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Elephant with tusk in the air and mountains behind him
Can elephants jump

How To Tell If an Elephant Is Happy? “Tell-Tale Signs.”

You can tell whether an elephant is happy just by observing its body language. If you take some time to watch these gentle giants keenly, it will be easier to…

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Three African honey bees and an African elephant
African Honey Bees

What Is An Elephant Afraid Of? It’s Not What You Think, Squeak Squeak!

Elephants can fear loud noises, sudden movements, unfamiliar objects, and some predators if alone, such as lions and tigers. They can also be scared of unfamiliar people and environments. However,…

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Asian elephant and a African elephant
Asian elephant and a African elephant

How To Tell The Differences Between Asian And African Elephants

The elephants' head shape and ears are the quickest identifiers to help you differentiate between these two elephants.  Along with that, several other differences can help you to tell these…

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Asian Elephant
Asian Elephant without tusks

Elephant Facts | A Collection of Interesting Information

Elephants are one of the most intriguing animals on the planet. These gentle giants have a few secrets you may not know about! Largest Existing Land Animals Elephants are one…

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